
How I work

A tailored service

for the leader and the individual

We start by laying the foundations…

Your first experience of coaching will most likely be when you are feeling overwhelmed, lacking in clarity of where to start, frustration at your situation or simply you are at a stalemate; meaning you can’t see the wood for the trees. There is something very grounding in being able to sit and talk to someone who is completely impartial and unconnected to your life or business and allow yourself to lay it all out; your fears, your procrastination, or your confusion.

I begin my work with you by going back to the beginning, to support you to establish a firm foundation and then we can ‘build up’ from there. This begins with helping you to get a large injection of self-awareness in the form of analysing your personality; strengths, areas for development, communication methods and how you operate within a team. We will then work on your (and your organisation’s if appropriate) core values. Once we have clarified these areas we can then ensure that everything we do going forward stays in line with those values meaning that decisions, directions and delegations will feel centred and right.

I use a combination of techniques, tried and tested tools, theories and methods that I have developed and honed over the years (and constantly keep adding to) that are all tailored to suit individual circumstances. These include:


Clarity 4D Personality Profiling

A comprehensive and illuminating online personality profile designed to improve your understanding of your own and other personality types and their respective communication preferences.

The values matrix

This is a framework for developing a clear route to maximise your potential. Working with The Values Matrix, we will:

  • Identify your core and / or business values and goals
  • Identify your “hooks” and “unhelpful behaviours” that take you away from your values and goals
  • Discover the “helpful behaviours and decisions” you can start to do that will take you towards your values and goals

Goal setting

Once we have established your vision and values, we can work on goal-setting and co-creating a targeted strategy to meet your desired objectives.

Common themes include:

  • Identifying potential barriers that stand in the way of achieving goals
  • Mastering time management to work smarter not harder
  • Challenging negative thought processes
  • Understanding and managing stress and triggers
  • Providing staff with a ‘safe space’ to discuss confidential issues and let off steam
  • Building confidence in being more efficient and productive

for the team

We start by getting clear insight…

Understanding how teams perform together,  behave and communicate is crucial for effective collaboration, conflict resolution, role clarity, performance improvement, trust-building, adaptability, and overall team success. It creates a foundation for positive team dynamics, fosters a culture of continuous learning, and maximizes the collective potential of the team.

I use two very effective tools which give leaders and teams instant and total clarity on where the team is right now and what areas they need to improve on:


Team DyNAmics reporting

Team Dynamics measures your team effectiveness across 16 elements of teamwork; enabling you and your team to understand what is working well and what needs to be worked on, and whether you are high-performing, average or developing as a team.

Clarity 4D Personality Profiling

Clarity 4D enhances team dynamics by increasing self-awareness and improving communication among team members, resulting in reduced conflicts and misunderstandings. It facilitates effective team building by highlighting the diversity of personalities and promoting appreciation for each individual’s unique contributions. Through its insights, Clarity 4D fosters collaboration, synergy, and better leadership by leveraging the strengths of team members and tailoring approaches to meet their needs.

The logistics...


Exploratory Meeting

We start with no-obligation, no-cost initial conversation with you or your key decision maker to identify challenges and expectations and see if we are a good fit. If you decide to proceed, we may need to arrange a formal fact-finding session giving us the opportunity to establish the deeper needs, meet relevant employees and draw up a contract to include confidentiality, objectives, process and costs.


Coaching Sessions

We can discuss how sessions will be conducted during our initial meeting but typically sessions are held face-to-face or via Zoom in two-hour blocks. At the end of each session, we review progress and agree the next phase of action. Sessions are confidential and details will only be shared with other members of your organisation if the individual being coached gives their express permission.

Team workshops are usually half or full day – according to need and held at your place of work.



For certain packages, we conduct a final meeting with all parties concerned to discuss how progress is tracking against objectives. Any further support required can be discussed at this point. 

If you would like to discuss your needs and see how I could help you…