
Team Dynamics Report

Measuring your team's effectiveness

Helping you and your team on your journey to achieve greater success

Team DyNAmics measures your team effectiveness, across 16 Elements of teamwork, enabling you and your team to understand what is working well and what needs to be worked on, and whether you are high-performing, average or developing as a team. 

Team DyNAmics, helps you and your team answer the following questions:

Is our team working as effectively as possible?

Have we got the balance right between what we do (TASKS) and how we achieve them (RELATIONSHIPS)?

What are our strengths as a team, that we need to continue to use?

What are our challenges, so we can implement practical solutions to overcome them?

Your Team DyNAmics Report

  • Is created using an anonymous, online questionnaire that each member of your team completes. It takes approximately 15 minutes to answer the questions.
  • Provides you with an overall Team Effectiveness score, enabling you and your team to understand whether you are high-performing, average or developing.
  • Includes a detailed analysis of 16 Elements, vital in achieving high-performance teamwork and effectiveness.
  • A percentage effectiveness score for each of the 16 Elements.
  • Has statistical information on each question answered, % Average Score, Minimum, Maximum and Rank against all the questions.
  • Highlights the Top 8 and Bottom 8 Elements, your team strengths and challenges.
  • Shows whether there is a balance or imbalance between TASKS and RELATIONSHIPS.
  • Has graphics that visually represent the underlying data.
  • Includes an Action Plan, enabling you and your team to capture observations and actions agreed, to improve your teamwork.

Once you have your report you can choose how you use it

1. Discuss

Discussed with me in an online session with your team.

2. Expolre

Explored, as part of a face to face facilitated team-building session.

3. Share

Shared with your team for you to self-facilitate, supplemented with a Team DyNAmics Review & Recommendations Report.