I have almost 15 years coaching experience from multinational investment banks to small start-ups. I am an insightful, empathetic yet straight talker, and have a canny ability to accurately locate the issue and help my clients to see a clear direction of action with which to deal with it. I balance my working life with a home life of children (one with special needs), dogs, attempting to garden, a visceral need to be by or on the sea as much as possible and a continuous quest to make the best chocolate brownie!
I love using analogies to illustrate a point or a concept which makes the whole conversation feel a bit more “normal” and the issue more tangible and therefore easier to manage.
To quote a current client:
Wendy Martin
Partner, Maven Search
It doesn’t matter if you are a CEO of a large organisation or a member of the admin staff in a small tech company, everyone struggles at times with dips in confidence, poor time management, overwhelm, confusion as to how to handle conflict and a to-do list that is constantly out of control. Everyone finds managing themselves difficult when life is busy, and that can mean we don’t always behave and perform in the way we would like! My job is to support you to be the ‘you’ you want and aspire to be – more often.
To quote a current client:
Ciara Aspinall
Director, Pinpointing Potential
I have spent my working life helping people be their best, regardless of the scenario. I can help you find solutions and pathways which take you to where you want to be.
To quote a past client:
Charles Lawson
Investment Director, Investec Wealth Management
Primary School Teaching
Image consultancy
Colour Me Beautiful Advanced Image Consultant
Personal & Business Coaching Diploma
Open University, Newcastle University.
Personality Profiling
Accredited Clarity 4D Personality Profiler
European Mentoring Coaching Council – Global Individual Accreditation and Professional Designation at Senior Practitioner level
I have regular Coaching Supervision sessions so that I can continue to work on my own professional development and skill set as a Coach.