My thoughts on…

Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

Time Management - The Holy Grail

Hello! I hope you are all good? One of the most common areas I help clients with is with their time management. With no management- you feel overwhelmed, totally out of control and unproductive. When you are on top of...

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

You Can’t Boil the Ocean

I was working with one of my clients last week and we were tackling the issue of a rather full ‘inbox’. 1,376 emails to be precise! We discussed at length the series of events or working practices that had led to this overwhelming number and his overriding response was ‘It just gets bigger every day and each time I try to tackle it, I just get overwhelmed and give up’. 

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

Keeping The End In Mind

Hello! Hope you are all good? When I am working with my clients, I often remind them of ‘work with the end in mind’ …ie. never lose sight of what you are aiming for.  They need to have laser focus...

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

September - Back to You

One of the most common areas I help clients with is with their time management. With no management- you feel overwhelmed, totally out of control and unproductive. When you are on top of it- you are like a machine and can achieve so much- keeping you on task and motivated.

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

You Think Having No Boundaries Will Make You Happy? It Won’t.

One of the most common areas I talk to clients about is the subject of boundaries. They seem to crop up everywhere and with anyone…no matter what you do, and who you are. Some people find it much easier to have them in place- others find it almost impossible.

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

How Well Do You REALLY Know Yourself?

If you were asked to name your 3 greatest strengths and 3 most frustrating weaknesses, would you be able to do this in under a minute? Or perhaps you own your own business, and you can’t work out why some teams work well together, and others have constant conflict?

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

What To Do If Your Company Is Sick?

In my line of work as a coach I’m always talking to my clients about ensuring the two sides of their business are thriving. Often this is met with a blank stare, so I explain.

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

Nuggets of Joy

I wanted to do something a bit different with my blog this week as I have been working with lots of my coaching clients on a few “New Year” thought processes.  I mentioned these on my Instagram stories a few weeks ago and I had so many messages about it from so many people saying how much it had helped them, so I wanted to share them with you here in case they help you too.

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

Ten Reasons to Hire a Coach

There are so many business coaches nowadays so I thought it might be helpful to explain what it is they are there to do and why it might help you to hire one! Whether you are a one-man band or you have a staff of 100, a coach can help you become more successful, more productive and therefore more likely to achieve the goals you have set yourself.

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

Keep The End In Mind…

I hope you have had a good week? I have been madly busy with so much going on with new business, contacts, and connections occurring daily- it’s hard to keep up! I feel very fortunate that I get to do a job I am totally passionate about and I get to chose when I work and when I can knock off and go see my children and revel in their childlike simplicity when the adult world can feel a wee bit complicated!

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

The Big Plan

I sat down and did my “year plan” last night…this entails a collection of coloured pens, a large, clean piece of A3 paper and some seriously clear thinking! I started off with working out what my goals were for the year – professionally as well as personally. Where did I want to take my business? What were the areas I wanted to focus on? What did I want to do more or less of…?

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

Procrastination Termination

I have been coaching a client recently and we soon realised after two sessions that she wasn’t making any progress with the tasks we were agreeing she would do between our sessions. After a little gentle questioning from me she admitted that she is a fully-fledged procrastinator.

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

Your Job…Good, Bad, or ‘Bleh’

How often do we stop and think- do I really love my job? I actually reflect a few times a week on this as I feel very fortunate that I can earn a living doing something that I love and is so positive, but above all- enables me to have an inside chance of being there at the school pickup. I get to work with brilliant and interesting people every day and fulfill my passion of helping them be the best that they can be…in how they look or who they are.

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

A Whistle-Stop “Empowerment'“ Guide

So this week I have been working for Alliance Healthcare…travelling the length and breadth of the county, presenting to their teams of Customer Service Managers on how to feel more empowered, confident and happy within their roles.

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

Not Backwards But Forwards

“Hello September, back to school” – often the words seen in shops, editorial and social media and it gives the impression we are going “back to the grind”.

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

How Do You Get a Half-Full Cup?

One of the most common questions my Life Coaching clients ask me is how to become more of an optimist. If it doesn’t come naturally it can be a really hard mindset to get into as you are so “programmed” to be

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

20 Things About Me

I have been nominated a few times by friends on Instagram to “tell all” by listing 20 things about myself that might otherwise have never occurred to me to share with the wider world! I’m not a massive “sharer” on social media as I see these channels as a professional outlet rather then one where I am showing what I am having for my lunch!

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

Feeling on the Front Foot

I wanted to do a Life Coaching blog today as I have been working with a few clients who are all trying to deal with conflict and how to handle it in a constructive way to so that they leave the conversation positively

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

On The Radio

I was a contributor to the BBC Hereford and Worcester Drive Time radio show today…discussing the sticky issue of what stipulations employers can enforce on their employees regarding what they wear to work.  It was in light of the recent press coverage of MP’s saying that the government must enforce the law to ban sexist dress rules at work that discriminate against women. Their report follows the experience of London receptionist Nicola Thorp, who was sent home from work in December 2015 for not wearing high heels.

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Laura Whitehouse Laura Whitehouse

No Quick Fix - Just a First Step

Morning! I am writing from a café…cappuccino to hand and the sun shining in on me through the window. I am feeling a sense of contentment that I am not ashamed to admit, comes from it being the first day of the school term and I have uninterrupted thoughts…bliss!

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