Your Job…Good, Bad, or ‘Bleh’

How often do we stop and think- do I really love my job?

I actually reflect a few times a week on this as I feel very fortunate that I can earn a living doing something that I love and is so positive, but above all- enables me to have an inside chance of being there at the school pickup. I get to work with brilliant and interesting people every day and fulfill my passion of helping them be the best that they can be…in how they look or who they are.

However, like all things there are downsides….working for yourself is lonely. The buck firmly stops with me and only me… There has been many a time when I have cried a frustrated tear or two over a broken **!**!***! computer with no “tech department” to call on! I am now finding my support and “office pals” in the wonderful social media community I have as well as networking groups ; every day I find more and more people to add to my “gang” to share my passion with…so while I am *technically* working for myself, at least with social media there is someone who can give you a little on a Monday morning and ask how your weekend was!

So-what would you reflect on that are the good bits about your job- that make you want to get out of bed each morning? Then think about what are the bits you would gladly change? Do you feel you have the right support to do the best job you can or would you rather jack it all in and go it alone?

The grass is not always greener…but it could be if you feel you are currently in the wrong job or are desperate to do something different.

If this has got you thinking about whether you need to make a career change or any changes in your life- give me a call and we can have an initial chat to discuss how I could help…

Laura Whitehouse

Might fine graphic design for Film, TV, and Everything Else.

Procrastination Termination


A Whistle-Stop “Empowerment'“ Guide