The Big Plan

I sat down and did my “year plan” last night…this entails a collection of coloured pens, a large, clean piece of A3 paper and some seriously clear thinking! I started off with working out what my goals were for the year – professionally as well as personally. Where did I want to take my business? What were the areas I wanted to focus on? What did I want to do more or less of…?

By knowing what I was focussing on then leads me on to work out how I am going to achieve this;

  • who do I need to speak to?

  • what do I need to organise?

  • what will stand in my way and how do I deal with that?

  • how do I manage my time in order to reach these goals?

These are all areas I work with my clients with – every session…and it’s hard work making yourself be honest and logical in your thinking.

However- the benefits are huge once you have done it. I have my mind map propped up on my desk and it is there as a visual reminder of what I am focussing on – so that the moment I get distracted by something else I can bring myself back to task and keep on track. This way I am fulfilling my first goal of the year – to not work harder, but to work smarter – don’t waste time on the things that are not directly helping you to reach your end goal.

Laura Whitehouse

Might fine graphic design for Film, TV, and Everything Else.

Keep The End In Mind…


Procrastination Termination