Keep The End In Mind…

I hope you have had a good week? I have been madly busy with so much going on with new business, contacts, and connections occurring daily- it’s hard to keep up! I feel very fortunate that I get to do a job I am totally passionate about and I get to chose when I work and when I can knock off and go see my children and revel in their childlike simplicity when the adult world can feel a wee bit complicated!

Just over a year ago I readdressed the way I was approaching my business as both my children were then at school, so I had the freedom to devote all my time to my work. I started to live by the mantra  “Begin everything you do with the end in mind”.

I set up my business as I love working with people; helping them unlock their potential and feel happier in themselves and their working lives. My vision was seeing clients every day in different environments, with different challenges- but still being able to pick my children up from school, go to their plays and be the one making them sandwiches before they go off to brownies. I have achieved that in a year as I have remained totally focussed on what I was wanting to achieve.

If you think you or the company you work for would benefit from working with me to clarify what you are trying to achieve, what stands in your way and how you can get your end goal in mind – then do get in contact and we can find a time to discuss how I work and how I can help you.

Have a lovely weekend.


Laura Whitehouse

Might fine graphic design for Film, TV, and Everything Else.

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The Big Plan