The Challenge

Poor time management meant the individual was getting a reputation with colleagues and clients for being disorganised and she was losing business as a result. She was experiencing panic attacks from the constant stress of juggling all her responsibilities.

The Process

  • We worked together to find out what the reoccurring themes were that meant she was always late or forgetting items she needed.

  • We devised strategies on how she could plan her time more effectively- such as mapping out her week, not taking on too many tasks, managing other peoples’ expectations of what she could achieve in certain time frames and learn to say no to other peoples’ requests.

  • We also devised a regular “feedback” process from colleagues, friends and family so that my client was kept in check and bad habits were prevented from re-forming.

The Result

After four sessions of coaching, the individual reported that she had been early to every appointment for the following two month’s review period. Her panic attacks had been reduced from 4 a week to none.

Due to a clearer, more logical weekly plan- she was able to add-in an extra new business meeting a week and this resulted in direct business growth.

“Thank you SO much for helping me get myself back on the straight and narrow again. You have taught me so many skills – how to manage myself, my time, my team and my job so much more effectively. I now feel more confident and happier as I have a clear plan and know what I am doing. You are one clever lady – you listened to me, you challenged me, you guided me, you questioned me and you held me to account- all the while being kind, professional and a total support. Thank you sincerely”

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